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Showing posts from March, 2018

Stop acting and become real

  Live real, talk real, behave real. Do not claim someone fame. Be yourself. When you be yourself people or a person can know where to help you from. So is good to be real. You see as a single, you need to discover yourself, you need to have vision for life, we need to have goals in life. Have purpose for living. Know what you can do with ease in life, what you enjoy doing. Be real in life, with people and get the result of realness from life. Because what you sow is what you reap.

Be in control of your emotion

Don't allow emotion to be in charge of you in a serious relationship that can Iead to marriage. Emotion can make you not to face reality in your relationship. Imagine a relationship that can produce a sickler as a product and the doctor is telling you people that, this will be a problem, you people said we love each other let's go ahead with our life and marry. Not hearing the doctor, the church and ignoring the test result. You went ahead married and brought a child into this world to suffer, why? Is it what true love means? If you were born a sickler into this world how will you feel? Let's not allow our emotion to ride us in a good relationship. I thought if you allow your emotion to be in charge it becomes infatuation. Please let's allow knowledge to rule us in everything we do.