Is of ultimate importance to understand the wiring of both genders. Men have their wiring design behavior, so those the women. Lets look at some of these differential genders wiring.

- Females can verbally express their emotions than males.
- Women also exhibit a stronger emotional response to the anticipation of pain.
- Males are more likely to die from an accident than females. Because men are more likely to take risks and overestimate their ability.
- Males are more likely to exhibit aggression physically while females are more likely to exhibit aggression verbally.
- Men have a stronger reaction to sexual infidelity, while women have a stronger reaction to emotional infidelity.
- Women use both side of the brain to respond to emotional experiences while men use just one.
- Women read subtle emotion better than men.
- Men thrive in conflict, women avoid it
- Males are aroused under stress while females are turned off.
- Men and women use different parts of the brain during sexual arousal.
- Men are easier to sexually arouse than women.
- Men are more motivated by sex than women.
- Men are moved by what they see, while women are by what they hear.
- When a man is in love, dopamine mixes with testosterone and vasopressin. If you are, female it gets mixed with estrogen and oxytocin.
- A man is more likely to sleep with a stranger than a woman.
- When it comes to casual sex, women care about intelligence, men don't.
- Men are more consistent than women.
- A woman's brain is more flexible than a man's.
- Men's and women's brains age differently.
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