You need as a single preparing for marriage, to identify those areas, that are capable of destroying or breaking your marriage. Changing yourself in areas capable of bringing your marriage to a halt, is very important. Areas like unforgiveness, anger, unkeptness or dirtiness etc. Changing these afore listed and those unlisted is very crucial to building a home. Is best you deal with that thing, or those things before marriage. Because when you are single, you are the only one dealing with that issue or issues, that is for those dealing with it. But if you marry, you bring in someone to suffer with you. If you are a confused person, you bring in someone to suffer the confusion with you. Please, don't misunderstand me, no one is Mr or Mrs right, we are all imperfect which we should be working on, as we are growing in our marriage. We have nothing like perfect marriage, but the best marriage is a growing marriage. But there are things we must work on, that is capable of separating cou...