- Marriage is tripartite in nature. The tripartite chain of marriage is between God, man and the woman. The bible says that Jesus is the head of the man and the man the head of the woman in marriage. And remember that marriage is a covanant between God and the union of the two parties. For this chain to be positively functional in a marriage, the two parties must agree together and work together their marriage and maintain peace. That is when Christ takes absolute charge of family as the overall head of the family.
Don't allow emotion to be in charge of you in a serious relationship that can Iead to marriage. Emotion can make you not to face reality in your relationship. Imagine a relationship that can produce a sickler as a product and the doctor is telling you people that, this will be a problem, you people said we love each other let's go ahead with our life and marry. Not hearing the doctor, the church and ignoring the test result. You went ahead married and brought a child into this world to suffer, why? Is it what true love means? If you were born a sickler into this world how will you feel? Let's not allow our emotion to ride us in a good relationship. I thought if you allow your emotion to be in charge it becomes infatuation. Please let's allow knowledge to rule us in everything we do.
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