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... it is better to marry than to burn

In 1corinthians 7:9 the Bible says but if a man  can  not  contain, let  him  marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. From this  scripture you  understand that is quite better to marry than to remain  unmarried and burn sexually  in your  passion. It is good for  you to  plan your  life in time and  also instill discipline in your life, to ensure you  don't have bad sexual  memory  in the  future. Well in time coming I evangelist  K. E Amaka will write a book  on this tittle "... It is  better to marry than to burn ". I also need you to know that there  is need to  have  a relationship with  God who will help you  to be  wise in life and help you  discipline  yourself. How  do you  have relationship with  Him 1. By surrendering to Him,  you  need to be born again 2. You grow in Him through His Word. 
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